I've been studying the subjects of Bible prophecy (prophecy is the Bible's predictions of the future) and the precious metals market for the past several years. Interestingly, both subjects are quite related in that they focus on what the future will bring, and both subjects require a dedicated search for the truth. Bible Prophecy is a huge subject, so there is a great deal more research and scriptural support that lies beneath the conclusions and points I will be able to present here. I think that one of the ways to achieve a greater understanding of the evils of the current fiat monetary systems of the world, and a better understanding of where we are headed, would be to study the economic system that God gave the Israelites in the Hebrew Scriptures of the Old Testament, and compare it to our own.
I will start with the conclusions of what my prophecy studies have led me to believe will be the future of gold and silver with respect to prophecy, and then explain in more detail how I arrived at the following:
Israel, continuing on into the future, prior to the return of Christ at the pre-tribulation rapture, will become a very rich nation in gold and silver, and these precious metals also must rise in value enough so to move other nations to envy so that Russia, the Arab nations, and possibly Germany (Gomer?) will be led to invade Israel at the start of the seven year tribulation. (Ezekiel 38-39) Gold and silver, in the future, prior to the rapture, and even into the start of the tribulation, will become extremely valuable, much more so than today, (Rev 3:18), particularly after major currency devaluations and severe economic collapse that is planned to come to bring about the chaos necessary to humble the nations into accepting world rule by the antichrist. The world rule by the antichrist in the tribulation after the rapture, will involve a world currency, perhaps an electronic tracking system of gold credits (Dan 11:38, 11:43), involving the mark of the beast needed to buy and sell anything. (Revelation 13:16-18) In the tribulation, many (not all) of those possessing gold and silver, who refuse to accept the mark of the beast, will be hunted down and beheaded. (Revelation 20:4) I believe eventually, during the tribulation, most likely, it will be illegal to possess gold and silver in physical form as an unauthorized individual (without the mark or number or authority of the beast), anywhere in the world, (Ezekiel 7:19) but only during the short duration of the tribulation, or perhaps the second half of the 7 years time (Dan 7:25, 9:27, Rev 13:5). Finally, for the survivors of the tribulation, with the return of Jesus after the tribulation, gold and silver will be restored as money world wide, in accordance with the economic laws and principles as outlined in the the Hebrew law. (Zech 14:16, Isaiah 2:2-5)
To summarize a few of the main points of the economic system as given in the law, which are a contrast to what we have today:
1. Gold and Silver, as is all of creation, are from God, and given to man for good use, for a useful purpose. (Genesis 1:28, Gen 2:12.) Gold, silver, seed, and flour, were all used as money. (Lev 27:16, 2 Kings 7:1) The vast majority of the time that gold and silver are mentioned in the Bible, it is in reference to the wealth of the kings of Israel or to the wealth of the temple of the Lord. Gold and sliver were used in the workings and furnishings of the ark of the covenant, and the vessels in the temple. Therefore, gold is definitely the approved by God for men to use as money and as a store of wealth.
2. The people were to have and use "just weights and measures". The standard Hebrew units to measure the weight of things such as iron, stone, flour or anything, were the shekel or talent (or other measures), and also used to measure the weight of gold and silver. Unjust weights and measures were "an abomination to the Lord". (Lev 19:35, Deut 25:15, Prov 20:10)
3. Charging interest when lending money was forbidden, unless to a foreigner. (Lev 25:36-37, Deut 23:19-20, Psalms 15:5, Prov 28:8, Ezek 18:12-13, Neh 5)
4. Every 7 years was to be a time of total debt forgiveness & slave release. (Deut 15:1-3)
5. Every 50th year there was not only debt forgiveness, but also the return of all land (except in cities) to the people which may have been loaned out or sold. (The 50th year, or Jubilee, was after seven sevens or 49 years) (Lev 25, 27:16-18)
6. Wages had to be paid every day, not every two weeks. (Lev 19:13)
7. There was to be an inheritance from fathers to their children, and even grandchildren. (Num 27:7-11, Prov 13:22)
8. They were to pay tithes and suburbs (land around the cities) to support the tribe of the Levites, one of the 12 tribes, who were the priests & ministers, lawyers & judges, scribes & teachers, and caretakers of the temple. (Num 18:23-24, 35:2-7)
In conclusion, I do not know exactly when the set sequence of events in scripture will begin. Perhaps the rapture will happen next year, or 5 years from now, or 10 or 30 or more. But I am confident in my interpretation of the scriptures, and I'm confident that I have placed them in the correct time sequence with regard to the overall prophetic outline of events. I'm extremely confident that Israel will become wealthy in gold and silver, and that this will take place before the return of Christ. (Ezekiel 38-39) I am also extremely confident that the Bible does not condemn ownership of gold and silver, as these are truly the only Biblically approved forms of money according to Hebrew law, and the metals are the very embodiment of "just weights and measures".
Jason Hommel
From : http://bibleprophesy.org/goldsilver.htm
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